They don’t call it super glue for nothing and tonight I found out just how super it was.
I first put a blob on a bit of card just to see how quick it flowed from the bottle and it just trickled out, however when I went to use it for the intended job nothing seemed to be coming out, I thought best not squeeze the bottle incase the whole lot came out in one go but no sooner had I thought that my fingers started to harden and were stuck fast to one another.
I didn’t panic but just called out to my darling husband “how do you get super glue off ya fingers, I’ve stuck myself together”.
With some very quick research and the prizing of fingers apart I managed to at least separate all three fingers.
I soaked my fingers in some warm soapy water and a little rubbing action to get most of the glue off, however some had hardened to my skin giving me an armour like shell but the trusted Scholl electric pumice wheel came in handy in sanding the glue off of my skin.
No glue on me now and possibly no finger prints either.

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