From the onset of Covid I have been like a human pin cushion with a selection of vaccine jabs every few months, some of which I have got used to since I seem to be having them by the same pharmaceutical company, to others that are very new to my somewhat lacking immune system. Yesterday I had the Shingrix vaccine that though it will not stop me getting shingles it will prevent me getting PHN (post-herpetic neuralgia) which is a very unpleasant and debilitating condition that has been known to last for months and in some cases years.
This Vaccine felt very different to others I have had, it wasn't like a simple sharp scratch it was like someone had punched me in the arm, even my fingers twitched as I was administered the vaccine, such a weird feeling. Most of the day my body ached, I went to bed fully clothed and had the addition of an electric blanket as I was shivering cold. When I awoke this morning to go to work I had the worse feeling of disorientation that prevented me from going to work. I have slept for over 15 hours and have only just started to feel my normal self again.

I had chickenpox as a child and in my adult years I caught shingles, it was back in 2007 when I got shingles that put me in hospital, I was covered from head to toe with tiny red patches, even the palms of my hands and soles of my feet were covered. I was put into complete isolation and any doctor, nurse or close family memeber that visted me was dressed in hazmat style protection.
It was by far the most unpleasant, isolating and frightening experince I have gone through in hospital.

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